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Fixed | Error 0x80300024 While installing Windows

This article provides information about 0x80300024. There are many errors in Windows that can appear at different stages. This error only applies to your computer’s operating system. There are also errors related to configured applications and programs. There are also errors that are specific to the operating system. One of the errors that appear for the Windows operating system is Error 0x80300024.

The Windows error code 0x80300024 is usually accompanied by a message stating that Windows could not be installed in the selected location, or something similar. While you can find it with any Windows operating system, Windows 7 users report that the error occurs more frequently than other Windows users.

Fixed | Error 0x80300024 While installing Windows

Please refer to this article to find a solution for 0x80300024. Here are the details below.

The most likely time when the 0x80300024 error occurs is when you are setting up or reinstalling the operating system. This can happen if you install it on a formatted or new drive. You may also encounter errors while upgrading your computer’s operating system to Windows 10.

The error simply indicates that Windows Installer won’t be able to continue with setup, which can make things worse.

Causes of Installation Error 0x80300024 on Windows

These are a few of the main factors that can trigger the error. Fortunately, there are several ways you can deal with the mistake.

How to fix Error code 0x80300024

Method 1– Housekeeping

This basic budget practice can fix error 0x80300024 on your computer easily. The first thing you need to do is to make sure all the basic accessories are connected and working effectively. In particular, you need to ensure that the connection between the installation location (hard drive) and the installation device is stable.

The cable television that connects the two must be free from any scratches which can affect the smooth installation of the operating system. You also need to make sure that the adjustment area is the ideal size. Try this before restarting your computer system to see if the error goes away or not.

Method 2– Prepare Installation Location (Drive)

This method can be very useful if you are installing an operating system on the hard drive that is currently in use. Be aware that hard drives can be riddled with software and malware issues, which can lead to reinstallation problems.

The service for this lies in formatting the hard drive for a fresh start. Try this before doing a new round of setup to see if the error has been resolved or not.

– Install installation media on the operating system before restarting your computer.
– Select this option to start from the setup media.
– Select the language you prefer and accept the license terms.
– Click “Custom”.
– Now select Hard Disk Option to format the selected device using Windows Installer.
– Then select the partition before clicking Delete.
– Click “Next” to restart the installation.

Note that there is no need to create partitions. You can do this quickly during installation.

Method 3– Eliminate Additional Hard drive( s)

This method applies if your computer system has more than one hard disk drive, one of which you can use as the target setting.

Turn off all hard drives except the hard drive for which you need to set up the operating system. Restart the settings to see if that clears the error. Make sure to reconnect to another hard drive driver when the error is resolved.

Method 4– USB Port

This technique is used when you use a USB storage device as a setup medium. Error 0x80300024 can pop up quickly if you plug a USB storage device into the wrong port. Consider changing the USB key from a USB 3.0 port to a USB 2.0 port or some other circuit method.

You may also consider burning the operating system files from DVD to a USB stick, or vice versa, before doing a fresh round of installation to see if the error can be resolved or not.

Method 5– Switch Drive Order

Windows Installer is truly special and doesn’t just install an operating system because of the wrong setup location. You may need to change the order in which the installation locations (hard drives) are displayed. To do this, you must have access to the BIOS.

– Start or restart the computer.
– Press the “F12” or secret key used by your computer system to enter the setup screen.
– Make sure the target device you want to set is the first in line (0).
– Reboot your computer system to take a fresh round of setup to see if the error remains constant or not.

Method 6 – Change Hard Drive

This can be your last resort if one of the methods above failed. This could mean that the chip on your computer’s hard drive is damaged. In this case, you have no choice but to replace them with new ones.

Error in Windows 0x80300024 can be very problematic. This makes it impossible to install the operating system. The only way to avoid these errors is to ensure that your computer system is in good working order. All devices that consist of devices are connected and functioning properly.

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