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Best Practices for Web Design in 2021

Best Practices for Web Design in 2021

Websites can be created in just a few minutes, and they can run live in under an hour. However, there’s a difference between just creating a website and optimizing the design and text especially if you want your business to succeed in 2021.

Why does optimization matter in the first place?

Optimization is important because the visitors can form an impression about you and your website in under a second. It takes about 50 milliseconds for someone to determine whether they like your website or not. Most of their opinions are because of the designs and texts that you’ve picked for your home pages and blogs.

Most of the sites today can have an impact on a company’s credibility and conversions. They can make or break your online presence, and this is why you should consider contacting a company that specializes in web design in Somerset West to help you out. Do optimizations and plan carefully before you make the website live.

Some of the few things to consider are the following: After a bad experience on a site, many customers or more than 80% of them will not likely return. Aside from that, almost 77% of the digital agencies state that one of the significant weaknesses of a site is the poor design and layout choices of their clients. Generally, if you don’t put too much effort into optimizing your visitor’s experience, you may find them avoiding your business and looking elsewhere for information.

Tips in Designing an Effective Website

1.Don’t Put Too Much Text

You should not greet your potential customer with massive blocks of text on your landing page. There are spaces for these in blog posts and articles where you may need to go in-depth to impart more information. However, these blocks of text are never ideal in landing pages and homepages. You need to be minimalistic in these parts.

What you need is to tell your visitor about your company, products, and services in just a few words. A single-line sentence is more than enough for some to understand your niche and the industry where you are in.

2. Show, Don’t Tell

Visuals will help the visitors understand the things that you are trying to say. Some of the pictures can be excellent additions in articles that are detailed and comprehensive. Showing everyone what you’re about will make them understand better, especially if they are skimming or navigating on your web pages.

For example, you’re in business selling fashion items that you are offering through a monthly subscription. You’re showing bohemian clothing, swimsuits, and sunglasses that are so nice they can serve as gifts to the members’ loved ones. They can be delivered to the members’ doorsteps within 24 hours whenever they choose this specific package.

Instead of describing how soft the silk or cotton is, you can show your audience a high-quality picture of the swimwear and boho clothing. Add a message like “delivered in 24 hours,” and you’re done. You can get your message across without too many words, and you don’t have to write lengthy descriptions. Learn more about effective ways of writing product descriptions at this link.

3. The Use of Short Sentences

Visitors can effortlessly read short sentences.

It’s not advisable to place big chunks of text and bombard your potential customers with them when they enter your website. They won’t know where to start, and they may have trouble digesting your content.

Mix up everything by using varying techniques. Make paragraphs shorter and be specific.

4. Shorter Paragraphs May Be Sufficient

You may want to use these paragraphs to improve your website. You can write longer paragraphs in your blogs, but the shorter ones are ideal for your landing pages.

Don’t overdo the short paragraphs, though. Customers will lose interest if they have to frequently read one-liners or paragraphs consisting of two sentences in your blogs. This is where too much use of a good thing can hurt your website.

Write new information on each sentence. If someone is skimming through your site, they will be able to understand what you’re trying to say.

Reduce the clutter and erase unnecessary words. Always emphasize your call-to-action paragraph. A standalone CTA can have more impact rather than deciding to bury it with big blocks of text.

Add lists or bullets instead of examples in paragraph form. Many people are more likely to read the listed information if they are in bullet points.

5. Use the Best Color Schemes

The color schemes should fit your brand and your overall strategy. Most of the visitors may judge your site based on the colors that you’re using. You can always refer to your logo for ideas. For example, a famous coffee brand may use green color for the schemes of their stores, signs, and logos. You may want to look at their website, and it’s not surprising that they have a green color scheme as well.

The brand image and logo will reinforce the customers to know your brand and associate the colors with you. If you’re consistent, there will be no confusion for your visitors as well.

6. Have a Clear CTA

Your call to action should not be buried. Read more about this section on this site: They should be powerful, bold, and big. Their location should be somewhere where visitors can see them right away. However, most of these sites don’t usually have a CTA button, or it’s not somewhere that’s visible.

Without a compelling CTA, you can say goodbye to conversions. Some of the websites may not offer the CTA on their articles, but this can be a significant flaw. You can’t usually expect someone to click back on the homepage to buy something.

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